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Zignagenix Heart disease and stroke prevention


State-of-the-art antiaging medicine customized for you!


Cardiovascular disease is still the number one cause of mortality for men and women.


Over 30% of the time, your first symptom is an actual heart attack or stroke or sudden death.


That’s why it’s called the “silent killer.” The good news is cardiovascular disease is preventable with proper screening, testing, and active prevention.



Schedule your free consultation at Zignagenix and learn about our revolutionary, proactive Heart Disease & Stroke Prevention Program for women and men. 


Zignagenix has combined the best aspects of the top laboratories that screen for cardiovascular disease – Our expert lab, along with the revolutionary Cardio Health assessment to identify your risk level for coronary heart disease, heart attack, and strokes and to reveal your risk level for dangerous inflammation that elevates your risk for a heart attack and stroke.

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