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Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)


PRP works on the simple basis is that of utilizing your own natural platelets to instruct the body to create new collagen for tauter, smoother and better-toned skin. Utilized in various ways, with or without fillers, the platelet solutions can be introduced with injections or by using anautomated microneedling system or as a topical addition to resurfacing.


What is PRP?


PRP Rejuvenation often incorporates fillers with PRP – which stands for Platelet Rich Plasma – to enhance facial shape and volume. It is a simple in-office nonsurgical procedure which uses a concentrated serum processed from your own blood in conjunction with dermal filler to increase the effectiveness and longevity of those fillers…or alone to call in the natural collagen building process.


How does it work?


A small vial of blood is taken from your arm – less than that normally taken for routine blood tests. The blood is then placed in a vial and spun in a centrifuge to separate the red blood cells and plasma. The process concentrates the platelet count to about 4X normal. It is this platelet-rich plasma – often called “liquid gold” – that is then activated and injected into the skin – or applied topically in a surface regeneration action.


The Key to Success -Tricking the cells into thinking there is injury


The serum is activated by the addition of simple calcium chloride. The activated plasma serum behaves the same way the body would respond if there were an actual injury – healing platelets rush in to create a rich fibrin mesh. This fibrin mesh in turn calls out to natural healing cells, releasing growth factors* and stimulating the process of fibroblast production (the cells that create collagen) to energize and heal.


"PRP has been used for years to speed joint, tendon and tissue repair and is a popular treatment for professional athletes such as football players, golfers and basketball players"


The end result?


  • healthier appearance

  • thicker dermis (reducing wrinkles and scars)

  • improved tone

  • prolonged duration of fillers (Used with underlying fillers such as Juvderm, Restylane or Radiesse, the PRP serum prolongs and amplifies the filler correction with the need for less filler per treatment and a longer duration.)


**PRP is an emerging treatment for hair loss


Science Stuff:


Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is a treatment that uses the therapeutic potential of Growth Factors - in this case, the technique involves removing blood from the patient and reapply directly to the face. Part of the withdrawn blood is placed in a centrifuge for separating platelet rich plasma (PRP) which contains at least eight growth factors concentrates.


The blood is composed of red blood cells (erythrocytes), white cells (leukocytes), platelets and plasma.


The normal concentration of platelets in the blood ranges from 150,000 / uL to 350,000 / uL, averaging 200,000 / uL. Plasma is the liquid portion of blood that contains clotting factors and other proteins and ions. The plasma is considered to be platelet rich when there are over 1,000,000 platelets per uL plasma. Platelets contain several healing factors in its interior, which are present in high concentration in platelet-rich plasma. Compared to normal blood, PRP contains a concentration 3 to 5 times greater Growth Factors.


Platelets are enucleated cells that lasts only 8 to 10 days. They contain "alpha granules" and "dense granules" inside with factors and substances that play a fundamental role in healing. The alpha granules are rich in TGF-β (transforming growth factor) and various other healing factors. The dense granules contain histamine, serotonin, calcium, dopamine and ATP (energy molecule). The release of substances of both types of granules is essential in the three steps of normal wound healing: the inflammatory, proliferative and remodeling. In the light of factors released by the granules of platelets, platelet clot attracts the cells that form new tissue and serves as a base structure.


In recent years, there has been great interest in the use of growth factors derived from platelets, due to its potential when thinking about an efficient tissue regeneration. The FC act by increasing tissue formation, inducing the transformation of undifferentiated mesenchymal cells into specific cells, and trigger the release of various other growth factors promoting angiogenesis and the production of collagen fibers by the fibroblast activation

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Phone: +1 (619) 748-5552



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La Jolla, CA 92037

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*DISCLAIMER: Like all medical procedures, BeNatural Longevity Solutions® Procedures have a success and failure rate. Patient reviews and testimonials on this site should not be interpreted as a statement on the effectiveness of our treatments for anyone else.

The services provided have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The material on this website is provided for informational purposes only and is not medical advice. Always consult your physician before beginning any therapy program. All therapies are specific formulations prepared by BeNatural. Any designations or references to therapies are for marketing purposes only.

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